無鹽牛油 50g
雞蛋 1隻(55g)
糖 35g
鹽 1/4茶匙
低筋麵粉 60g
杏仁粉 20g
泡打粉 3/4茶匙
1. 牛油用熱水座溶或微波爐叮溶備用;
2. 雞蛋、糖、鹽用手動打蛋器攪勻,再加入牛油溶液拌勻;
3. 分2-3次篩入低筋麵粉、杏仁粉和泡打粉,拌至沒有粉粉便倒入唧袋,閒置30分鐘備用;
4. 配上脆餅烤盤模版,先預熱窩夫機,唧約20g-22g粉醬在模版中心(如圖),蓋上機(Vitantonio機會著紅燈),烘焗約2分鐘會紅綠燈同時著(代表已熟),就可以打開蓋,用叉輕易挑出尚軟身的窩夫,快手放在反轉的碗上再蓋上同一大小的碗(如圖),待15-30秒後,便會成窩形;
5. 舀一球雪糕放在窩中,灑適量已磨碎的果仁和棉花糖,即可食用。
P.S. 用剰的窩夫粉漿可放入雪櫃保存2-3日,臨烘之前取出室溫閒置15-30分鐘,即可入爐烤焗。
Our health is our most valuable asset, and it's essential to invest in it wisely. That means making healthy choices every day, from what we eat and drink to how we move our bodies and manage stress. It's about finding balance and prioritizing self-care, even when life gets busy. Regular check-ups with healthcare providers, staying up to date on vaccinations, and practicing good hygiene habits are all important aspects of maintaining our health. By taking a proactive approach to our well-being, we can prevent illness, manage chronic conditions, and live life to the fullest. https://jacana.life/